Ritual Abuse Statistics & Research

NUMBERS OF SURVIVORS A single survivor advocate reports direct contact with more than 3,000 survivors. [ StarDancer as quoted by David McCulley, Satanic Ritual Abuse: A Question of Memory, 1993] CORRECTION: During Personal conversation with StarDancer for update and verification, she stated, "I would feel comfortable saying I’ve met or spoken with more than 1,000 people who identify themselves as survivors…Our estimate of the people who have read and used Survivorship is 3,000."

I talked to one of the leaders in the Los Angeles County Task Force on Ritual Abuse, who estimate that there have been more than a hundred California preschools implicated in ritual abuse. [James Friesen, Uncovering the Mystery of MPD, 1991]

Among 2,709 members of the American Psychological Association who responded to a poll, 2,292 cases of ritual abuse were reported. [Bottoms, Shaver, & Goodman, 1993]

At a 1991 Utah workshop, thirty-two mental health therapists reported treating 360 separate survivors of ritual abuse. By early 1992 the following statement had been signed by sixty-six Utah therapists: "We, the undersigned mental health professional, have each heard memories of ritual abuse recounted by some patients, as have therapists across the nation. We believe these patients’ allegations to have basis in fact. We are dismayed by accusations that therapists brainwash their patients or collude to create a mental health problem where none existed. We urge our public officials to take appropriate actions to counter ritual crimes." The names on the signed petition, affirming the above statement, are given in the 1992 report of the Utah Governor’s Task Force on Ritual Abuse. [A. Horton, B. Harrison & B. Johnson, editors, Confronting Abuse, 1993]

Of the sixty victims with whom I have met, fifty-three are female and seven are male. Eight are children. The abuse occurred in the following places: Utah (37), Idaho (3), California (4), Mexico (2), and other places (14). Fifty-three victims are currently living in the state of Utah . All sixty individuals are members of the Church. Forty-five victims allege witnessing and/or participating in human sacrifice. The majority were abused by relatives, often their parents. All have developed psychological problems and most have been diagnosed as having multiple personality disorder or some other form of dissociative disorder. [Bishop Glenn L. Pace, " LDS Church Report to the Strengthening Church Members Committee," 1990]

In 1992 alone, Childhelp USA logged 1,741 calls pertaining to ritual abuse, Monarch Resources of Los Angeles logged approximately 5,000, Real Active Survivors tallied nearly 3,600, Justus Unlimited of Colorado received almost 7,000, and Looking Up of Maine handled around 6,000. Even allowing for some of these calls to have been made by people who assist survivors but are not themselves survivors, and for some survivors to have called more than one helpline or made multiple calls to the same helpline, these numbers suggest that at a minimum there must be tens of thousands of survivors of ritual abuse in the United States. [Catherine Gould, Cultural and Economic Barriers to Protecting Children from Ritual Abuse and Mind Control, 1995]

Published results of a nationwide study of substantiated reports of sexual abuse in day care involving 1,639 young child victims. Thirteen percent of these cases were found to involve ritual abuse. [Finkelhor, William and Burns, 1988] An ‘ad hoc’ study on Ritual Abuse in Germany done by Ulla Fröhling, journalist and author of "Vater unser in der Hoelle" - "Our father which art in hell" - called the "first in-depth German study of a DID-patient with a background of severe home abuse, child prostitution, and sadistic ritual abuse;" and Michaela Huber in 1997. They sent 355 questionnaires throughout Germany , 126 returned and 113 have been evaluated. Every 'maybe' or 'perhaps' was excluded, which led to a total of 354 cases in treatment -- 299 in current treatment – of Ritual Abuse in Germany. These patients or clients were treated at 61 locations in Germany . [Thorsten Becker, "Ritual Abuse: A German Cult-Counsellors Perspective," Presentation at the Symposium on Psychic Trauma and Dissociation, Utrecht [ Netherlands ], October 28. 1999]

In 1993, Boon and Draijer described the clinical phenomena of 71 Dutch DID patients. Follow up data on this cohort of patients indicate that 38.8% of the patients (N = < 27) had mentioned some form of SRA in the course of treatment (Boon & Draijer, 1993b). These patients lived in different regions in the Netherlands and they were treated by 19 different clinicians (Boon and Draijer 1993b). In this study, spontaneously given accounts of SRA and drawings on the subject showed a striking resemblance to those of North American patients (cf Young et al. 1991). [Onno van der Hart, "Reports on Ritual Abuse in European Countries: A Clinician’s Perspective," 1998]

A survey done in June 2000, at the National Victim Assistance Academy in Fresno , CA , 82 questionnaires given out, 44 criminal justice professionals responded to the questions, "Have you or a co-worker ever worked with a client/victim that claimed to be a victim of satanic ritual abuse?" Seventeen, 38% of respondents, had worked with clients who claimed to be victims of satanic ritual abuse or had co-workers who had worked with these clients. [Dawn Mattox, Butte County , CA , District Attorney’s Office, 2000]


Traumatic memories, which typically are engraved in the sensorimotor processes, are not subject to the same kinds of contamination that can affect normal memory. Traumatic amnesia, described in the DSM-IIIR as psychogenic amnesia, is a phenomenon which has been known to mental health professionals for more than 100 years. [Dr. Bessel van der Kolk, Harvard Medical School , as quoted by David McCulley, Satanic Ritual Abuse: A Question of Memory, 1993] Two disparate responses to trauma have been noted by researchers. In some instances the memory is hyper-potentiated and the event remains unforgettably vivid. When severe, repeated trauma occurs early in life, the stress of the experience may overload the circuitry of the brain’s limbic system, preventing the information from reaching the hippocampus. Instead, the trauma is engraved in the sensorimotor processes and is dissociated from the victim’s conscious awareness. [van der Volk as quoted by David McCulley, Satanic Ritual Abuse: A Question of Memory, 1993]

Only when a triggering circumstance breaks through the amnestic barrier does the person retrieve, often it bits and pieces, the memory of the traumatic event…When the suspended encounter is triggered, the threatening event is experienced as happening now, in full present time. [Ivor Browne as quoted by David McCulley, Satanic Ritual Abuse: A Question of Memory, 1993]

In a 1991 informal survey, 93% of APA therapists who have personal experience with adult SRA survivors stated they believe the memories of SRA are accurate. Contrary to accusations, many have been skeptical at first. [James Quan, Consolidation of SRA and False Memory Data, 1996]

Blisters and scars sometimes reappear and fresh blood may flow from tissues ravaged long ago. Clinicians who witness these abreactive episodes are not likely to challenge van der Volk’s dictum that the body cannot lie. [van der Volk as quoted by David McCulley, Satanic Ritual Abuse: A Question of Memory, 1993]

A new McLean Hospital study suggests that contrary to popular belief, psychotherapy does not frequently play a role in recalling forgotten memories of childhood abuse. Moreover, the study found that there is often independent corroboration of the abuse memories. In addition, most study participants believed that they recovered memories without any suggestion by therapists or others. [Associated Press, Belmont , MA , June 2, 1999 ]


There is no diagnosis of "false memory syndrome" in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual. It is a term created for maximum media impact, serving those who have the most to lose if the truth is revealed. [Anne Hart, California Therapist]

What percentage involve false accusations of familial abuse, and which are merely the self-serving protestations of pedophiles and ritual abusers? No one knows. Further, all of the research they cite, such as the experiments of Elizabeth Loftus, deal not with traumatic memory but with normal, or explicit memory. What studies of normal memory demonstrate is a high degree of malleability and potential distortion over time. [David McCulley, Satanic Ritual Abuse: A Question of Memory, 1993]


129 women with documented histories of childhood sexual assault participated in extensive individual interviews. The most significant finding was that 38% of the women in the sample reported no recollection of the index event, even though it was firmly documented by hospital records. Children who had a close relationship with the perpetrator were more likely to develop psychogenic amnesia than those abused by strangers. [Linda Meyer Williams, University of New Hampshire as quoted by David McCulley, Satanic Ritual Abuse: A Question of Memory, 1993]

In a sample of 53 women who disclosed memories of abuse for which they had been amnestic, 74% of the subjects were able to find independent confirmation from family members, pornographic photos or diaries. [Judith Herman and Emily Schatzow as quoted by David McCulley, Satanic Ritual Abuse: A Question of Memory, 1993]


Current research shows that DID(MPD) may affect 1% of the general population and perhaps as many as 5-20% of people in psychiatric hospitals, many of whom have received other diagnoses. The incidence rates are even higher among sexual abuse survivors and individuals with chemical dependencies. These statistics put DID(MPD)/DD in the same category as schizophrenia, depression, and anxiety, as one of the four major mental health problems today. [Sidran Foundation, DID/MPD Brochure, 1994]

The typical alters that are found in a person with MPD include: a depressed, depleted host; a strong, angry protector; a scared, hurt child; a helper; and, an embittered internal persecutor who blames (or persecutes) one or more alters for the abuse that has been suffered. While there may be other types of alters in any given MPD individual, most of them will be variations on the theme of these 5 alters. [Divided Hearts Website FAQ, 1999] Studies indicate that approximately 25% of those with MPD in North American have been subjected to SRA, and SRA is why they developed MPD in the first place. The dissociation of MPD is the best way children have of dealing with the trauma. In my discussions with Southern California MPD therapists, I have found a consensus that 25% is a low estimate. Many of us believe the percentage is much higher, at least in our own region. I have heard estimates as high as 50 to 60%. It is hard to believe, but there may be 100,000 people or more in the United States who were subjected to SRA as children. [James Friesen, Uncovering the Mystery of MPD, 1991]

The idea that MPD is under-diagnosed is related to the notion that few mental health professionals know how to make the diagnosis and because the patients with MPD frequently cope with it through denial. This argument is similar to the point of view of many alcohol treatment specialists, who allege that alcoholism is frequently underdiagnosed because professionals do not typically know how to correctly make the diagnosis and because most alcoholics are in denial. [Noblitt & Perskin, Cult and Ritual Abuse, 2000]

Two studies about the early lives of multiples came up with the same percentages – 97% have been subjected to serious child abuse as youngsters. Another study found that 88% has been abused sexually, with 83% having been sexually penetrated as young children. [James Friesen, Uncovering the Mystery of MPD, 1991]

The onset of multiple personality generally occurs in childhood, although the condition is not usually diagnosed until adolescence or early adulthood. The sex incidence is about 85% female…Although multiple personality was thought to be quite rare, recently it has been reported to be more common. [Philip Coons, Child Abuse and Multiple Personality Disorder]

Multiple personality most often presents with depression and suicidality rather than personality changes and amnesia which are obvious clues to dissociation…The original personality is usually amnesiac for the secondary personalities while the secondary personalities may have varying awareness of one another…Generally the original personality is rather reserved and depleted of affect. The secondary personalities usually express affects or impulses unacceptable to the primary personality such as anger, depression, or sexuality…Headaches are extremely common as are hysterical conversion symptoms and symptoms of sexual dysfunction. [Philip Coons, Child Abuse and Multiple Personality Disorder]

Probably about 25% of children have a Dissociative Ability high enough to use dissociation for relief from chronic sexual or physical abuse. When these children grow up they develop MPD if they have been abused. In comparison, SRA is so much more terrible a kind of abuse that it causes dissociation in a much higher percentage of its victims, maybe as high as 75% or even more. [James Friesen, Uncovering the Mystery of MPD, 1991]

A history of trauma has been found to be an almost universal etiology of such extreme chronic dissociative disorders as multiple personality disorder. [D. Spiegal as quoted by David McCulley, Satanic Ritual Abuse: A Question of Memory, 1993]

Abuse suffered by multiple personality patients tends to be far more sadistic and bizarre than that suffered by most victims of child abuse. [Frank Putnam, MD, Diagnosis and Treatment of MPD]

Accepted theory held that multiplicity developed reactively. Infants or young children used their innate capacity and ingenuity to create a cluster of "personalities" to cope with the conflicting demands of a dangerous environment far too overwhelming for one little person. Pamela Reagor and Steven Ray discovered solid psychological evidence that besides the above "natural" features of MPD, certain patients presented some additional critical characteristics. "We saw sophisticated external implantation, by someone other than the subject, of hundreds of complex personality fragments," Reagor noted, in the 1991 sixth issue of Beyond Survival magazine. These external implantations, including suicidal ones, were arranged in what appeared to be a complex system. Ray suspected that the programming acted like DNA, encoding specific dissociative patterns within the MPD system. It was revolutionary - and sinister – concept. Reagor defined their discovery as structured MPD as opposed to the commonly understood reactive MPD. [Craig Lockwood, Other Altars, 1993]

There is a natural progression in the relationship among alters:

  1. The alters learn about one another and learn to recognize one another.
  2. The alters learn to negotiate with one another, even if there is mutual dislike.
  3. The alters learn to cooperate with one another for the common good.
  4. The alters appreciate and take care of one another.
  5. The alters come to love one another and recognize that they are part of one another.
  6. The alters join forces. [C.W. Duncan, The Fractured Mirror, 1994]

Patients in this study who integrated personality states during treatment became increasingly certain that their reports of ritual abuse reflected actual memories. The patients who remained fragmented were less inclined to be certain about what really happened.[Walter C. Young, MD, "Patients Reporting RA in Childhood: A Clinical Syndrome, Report of 37 Cases"]
BORDERLINE PERSONALITY DISORDER BPD is characterized by deeply conflicted emotions, running the gamut from rage to terror, from depressed apathy to turbulent agitation. Patients with BPD often experience self-loathing that alternates and coexists with self-absorption and narcissism. Their frequent acts of self-destructiveness, including self-mutilation and suicide attempts, bewilder and frighten their families, friends, and caregivers. These individuals typically have deeply unsatisfying interpersonal relationships and appear to alienate those who care for them, while at the same time expressing fears that they will be abandoned. Patients with this disorder often appear uncooperative in therapy and are frequently accused of sabotaging their own treatment. The condition of such patients is considered chronic with intermittent self-destructive episodes. Curiously, these patients often respond in unusual or unpredictable ways to psychiatric medications. [Noblitt & Perskin, Cult and Ritual Abuse, 2000]


In Europe , Great Britain is the country wherein most reports on SRA of children are being made. The National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC) is alarmed about the increasing number of cases coming to its attention. Towns and areas mentioned are Hull , Surrey , Wolverhampton , Telford , Portsmouth , Manchester , and Shrewsbury , among others (Bartlett 1989; Tate 1991). Reports of SRA are typically made by social workers involved in ordinary child abuse cases or by foster parents of child victims of sexual and physical abuse. Within the context of an enduring relationship with an adult whom these children trust, they disclose information that, when recognized as such, points to SRA. Typically, children's reports include adults carrying candles, wearing robes and masks or dressing up as clowns, and chanting; children being defecated on, forced to eat body wastes, locked in cages or boxes, or sexually abused on crosses or inside stars and circles; drinking blood; sacrificing animals; torturing, killing, and consuming babies; being filmed by cameras with lights on; using drugs; and adults threatening children in order to discourage disclosure. Tate (1991), who examined a number of these British cases and compared them to North American and Dutch cases (Hudson 1991; Jonker and Jonker-Bakker 1991; Snow and Sorenson 1990), was struck by the similarities. Because many of these children reported SRA without attending adults encouraging them, Tate concluded that either there exists a worldwide conspiracy among toddlers or the children are speaking the truth. [Onno van der Hart, "Reports on Ritual Abuse in European Countries: A Clinician’s Perspective," 1998]
It is very telling that in every case in which the symptomatology of the ritually abused children was compared to the symptomatology of the sexually abused children, the ritually abused children showed considerably more symptoms of trauma…Not only do ritually abused children appear more disturbed than sexually abused children on the traditional instruments like the Achenbach, they also demonstrate symptoms which relate in direct and obvious ways to the abuse experiences they describe. [Catherine Gould, Cultural and Economic Barriers to Protecting Children from Ritual Abuse and Mind Control, 1995] From these first few reported cases the symptoms characteristic of childhood multiple personality begin to emerge and reveal some marked differences when compared to adults. In the childhood form of multiple personality the difference between personalities are quite subtle. In addition the number of personalities is fewer. So far an average of 4 (range 2-6) personalities have been reported in children, while the average number of personalities reported in adults is about 13 (range 2 to 100+). Symptoms of depression and somatic complaints are less common in children but the symptoms of amnesia and inner voices are not decreased. Perhaps most importantly, the therapy of children with multiple personality is usually brief and marked by steady improvement. In adults therapy may last anywhere from 2 to over 10 years, while in children therapy may only last a few months. [Philip Coons, Child Abuse and Multiple Personality Disorder]

The term programming is sometimes used two ways…Most commonly, the term refers to any coercive persuasion whether it is experienced in a destructive, an established religion, the armed services, or any other group or organization. A second usage for this term is…the manipulation or traumatization of alter personalities, fragments or dissociated mental states or entities for the purpose of mind control. [Noblitt & Perskin, Cult and Ritual Abuse, 2000]


Adult survivors I know alternately crave/refuse read meat and sauces. 36 adults (97%) presented survivor guilt, 35 (94%) described Indoctrinated beliefs, 31 adults (83%) performed "bizarre self-abuse", and 23 (62%) were involved in substance abuse. [James Quan, A Consolidation of SRA and False Memory Data, 1996]


The definition of "evidence" used herein to support the existence of ritual abuse is…The presence of the following multiple independent indicators:

  • Disclosures with post-traumatic presentation,
  • Profound similarities between such disclosures in which the similarities outweigh the normal occurrence of conflicting details,
  • Occult objects found at the scene consistent with such disclosures,
  • Structural or decorative details consistent with disclosures, but unknowable outside the reported abuse scenarios, and/or
  • Victim descriptions of the video and/or still photography of abuse scenarios…sometimes including a discovery of child pornography. [James Quan, A Consolidation of SRA and False Memory Data, 1996]

If one wishes to criticize the arguments supporting the existence of ritual abuse, then one must accurately identify them. These arguments may be summarized as follows:

  • There is ample historical and anthropological evidence that ritual abuse has occurred in a variety of cultures throughout history. Among those groups where traumatizing rituals have reportedly been used, there have also been some accounts of dissociation, amnesia, and alterations of the individual’s identity.
  • In modern times, reports of ritual abuse have been made by people who claim to be survivors of such abuse both in North America and in other geographic locations…
  • Some perpetrators of ritual abuse and other criminal activity associated with cults are self-confessed.
  • Other witnesses to cult criminal activity have come forward…
  • There have been convictions in criminal cases in response to allegations of ritual abuse.
  • Civil cases won against individuals accused of ritual abuse.
    Cases of ritual murder (e.g, at Matamoros ) are a matter of public record.
  • The abusive acts of some cults (e.g., the People’s Temple of Guyana , Branch Davidians, Order of the Solar Temple , Aum Supreme Truth) are publicly known.
  • The great majority of therapists who work with patients reporting ritual abuse tend to believe that the allegations of ritual abuse are true…
  • In a series of workshops and in group and individual professional supervision conducted by Noblitt, the facilitator has publicly demonstrated that many of these survivors respond to preprogrammed cues with switching to alter personalities and trance responses. The patients were not trained to respond to these cues in therapy, and videotapes of patients who have never before seen Noblitt show them responding to these cues (which are alleged by some patients to be used in cult programming). [Noblitt & Perskin, Cult and Ritual Abuse, 2000]


The worship of Satan, as the symbol of the Judeo-Christian concept of pure evil, appears to result from the First Century C.E. as a reaction to Judeo-Christian spiritual domination. The practice of sexual and sacrificial rites pre-dates that era, however, and eventually extended to all geographical regions. [Gail Carr Feldman, "SRA: A chapter in the History of Human Cruelty," Journal of Psychohistory, Winter 1995]

Further back in history yet are the results of a survey conducted by Hill and Goodwin (1989) of pre-inquisition historical documents describing Satanism and satanic practices. They compiled a list of 11 elements of satanic ritual: 1) secret nocturnal feasting around a special table or altar; 2) ritual orgiastic sex involving incest, homosexuality, and anal intercourse; 3) imitations and reversals of the Christian mass; 4) ritual use of blood, semen, urine or excrement; 5) sacrifice of embryos and infants often using knives followed by cooking in a cauldron and/or ritual cannibalism; 6) ritual use of animals; 7) ritual use of torches, candles and darkness; 8) chanting, especially of names of demons; 9) drinking a drug or potion; 10) dancing backwards in a circle or other ritual use of the circle; and 11) dismemberment of corpses and extraction of the heart. [James Quan, A Consolidation of SRA and False Memory Data, 1996]

Two things are clear from the cases cited. First satanic crimes are being perpetrated in the U.S. , as well as in other countries. Second, human sacrifice and cannibalism are still being practiced. As reports of satanic ritual abuse continue to emerge, ten characteristic reported abused have been described by Young et al. (19991) and Young (1992): 1. Childhood sexual abuse, 2. Witnessing and receiving physical abuse and torture, 3. Witnessing animal mutilations and killings, 4. Death threats, 5. Forced drug usage, 6. Witnessing and forced participation in human adult and infant sacrifice, 7. Forced cannibalism, 8. Ceremonial "marriage" to Satan, 9. Being buried alive in coffins or graves…and 10. Forced impregnation and sacrifice of own child. [Gail Carr Feldman, "SRA: A chapter in the History of Human Cruelty," Journal of Psychohistory, Winter 1995] In some area, there has not been much need for secrecy. In our country, grown men in long robes have murdered at night, often in the southern states, with extraordinary impunity. And the Nazis, who often practiced Satanism, according to the PBS documentary, "The Occult History of the Third Reich," made a slaughterhouse out of their country earlier this century. Cults in Jonestown and Waco , in the present day, demonstrate that children are being subjected to religious horrors. Numerous recent convictions of day care abuses with ritual allegations are documented. This is not a small problem. Nor is it new behavior. [Anne Hart, California Therapist]

Survivors today are disclosing that abuse occurs in groups that claim to be Christian, Catholic, Moslem, Jewish, Masonic, Celtic, Druidic, Nordic occult, Nazi, African- and Afro-Caribbean-based religions. [Craig Lockwood, Other Altars, 1993] This dramatic rise in disclosures must be examined within the context of the enormous shifts in the cultural perceptions of child abuse and the broad acceptance of counseling. [James Quan, A Consolidation of SRA and False Memory Data, 1996]


Project Monarch could be best described as a form of structured dissociation and occultic integration, in order to compartmentalize the mind into multiple personalities within a systematic framework. During this process, a Satanic ritual, usually including Cabalistic mysticism, is performed with the purpose of attaching a particular demon or group of demons to the corresponding alter (s). Of course, most skeptics would view this as simply a means to enhance trauma within the victim, negating any irrational belief that demonic possession actually occurs. Another way of examining this convoluted victimization of body and soul is by looking at it as a complex computer program: A file (alter) is created through trauma, repetition and reinforcement. In order to activate (trigger) the file, a specific access code or password (cue or command) is required. The victim/survivor is called a "slave" by the programmer/handler, who in turn is perceived as "master" or "god." About 75% are female, since they possess a higher tolerance for pain and tend to dissociate easier than males. Subjects are used mainly for cover operations, prostitution and pornography; involvement in the entertainment industry is notable… A majority of the victims/survivors come from multi-generational Satanic families (bloodlines) and are ostensibly programmed "to fill their destiny as the chosen ones or chosen generations" (a term coined by Mengele at Auschwitz ). Some are adopted out to families of similar origin. Others used in this neurological nightmare are deemed "expendable one" (non-bloodliners), usually coming from orphanages, foster care homes, or incestuous families with a long history of pedophilia. There also appears to be a pattern of family members affiliated with government or military intelligence agencies. Many of the abused come from families who use Catholicism, Mormonism, or charismatic Christianity as a "front" for their abominable activities (though members of other religious groups are also involved. Victims/survivors generally respond more readily to a rigid religious (dogmatic, legalistic) hierarchical structure because it parallels their base programming. [Ron Patton, Project Monarch, Nazi Mind Control, 1996]


When we understand the fact that ritual abuse is usually perpetrated by groups which are deeply involved in organized crime, the underlying incentives of these cult/perpetrators groups becomes clear. While ritual abuse is certainly an integral part of some kinds of satanism, it is most likely that the deeper reason for the prevalence of ritual abuse is that, simply put, it reliably creates a group of people who function as unpaid slaves to the perpetrator group. [Catherine Gould, Cultural and Economic Barriers to Protecting Children from Ritual Abuse and Mind Control, 1995]


Another interesting fact is the quite clear amount of disinformation. Take Hamburg for example: the police reported zero cases, therapists have 47 cases in treatment. The sexual crime unit of the police had reported about 12 cases; as they told me in a personal conversation, none of these cases made their official way to the commission. This is not surprising for those working in the field of Ritual abuse. [Thorsten Becker, "Ritual Abuse: A German Cult-Counsellors Perspective," Presentation on the symposium on Psychic Trauma and Dissociation, Utrecht [ Netherlands ], Oktober 28. 1999]


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If you are going to work with ritual abuse survivors, you must also get educated if you want to be effective. And you must learn to be humble. Trauma survivors do not need to be around ignorant, modern-day Pharisees. Survivors in pain need people who will connect with them on an emotional level, get right down in there where they are, and listen. --Kathleen Sullivan